Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Carri four and new shoes!

We went to the CarriFour today, which is like Wal-Mart. I can not even begin to describe to you how many people were there. Anyway, we got tons of stuff for Yin. Movies, books, Barbies, clothes, shoes, and underwear. So far she has only put on the shoes. Thats progress right? : 0 They light up, which I am sure will be great for keeping her awake at night, since she won't take them off!

She likes playing in water in the bathtub, but she will not dare take her clothes off. She also loves Oreos. Somethings are universal. : )

Much love!


Unknown said...

Leslee & Matthew
Lilly Yin is beautiful. Congratulations! Thank you for creating this blog so that people who love you but don't see you very often can be a part of this wonderful event.
I hope you all have a safe trip home.
Can't wait to met Lilly Yin.

Nita Gee