Thursday, May 14, 2009

Here and there.


This afternoon we went to Haagan Daz for Ice cream. It's so funny to watch her try new things. She loved it of course. : ) Baba told her he does not share his ice cream with many girls. Oh and we shed one shirt...yah! She had on two, so we got rid of the pink one. Maybe a little each day? She also liked getting her picture made with Ronald McDonald. I tried a Big Mac today and it tasted the same.

The picture of the large building is our hotel. The round part at the top is a revolving resturant. The picture of Starbucks is for my dear friend, Janelle, so she knows if she ever gets brave and brings her son, Camden, to China she can still have her coffee. : )

Tomorrow is a free day. We might get brave and take her to the park if it is not 100 degrees. Later!


Angi said...

There was also a Starbucks on Shaman Island (sp?)! That was just a nice touch of home. :-)