Saturday, May 9, 2009

Touring Beijing

Okay, we learned so much about China today! More than I know about America I think. We really like it here. The people are so nice, and many of them where very interested in us! I can't upload too many pictures on blogger, so I tried to sum the day up with three. We toured the Forbidden City, and yeah it is big like a city. Then we had lunch and went to The Great Wall which I did not get very far up, but I took a lot of pictures. We also drove by the Birds Nest from the Olympics. Beijing is BIG! Now we are waiting on a Papa Johns Pizza...I hope its good! We are worn out from so much walking and tomorrow we get up at 5 for our flight to Hangzhou. Much love!


Angi said...

Leslee, I emailed this separately, but thought I would post just in case... I have a favor to ask if you get this in time and get a chance to ask. If not it’s OK. When you see Mr. Jin, will you ask if he knows if Autumn (JinQiu) ever had tubes in her ears. The doctor’s have asked us this, since one ear appears to have a little scarring which is typical of that. You may want to ask this of Lily as well. There were not any notes on tubes for Autumn in the medical we received. So we assume she did not.

If you can do this…great. But if not, no problem. :-)

So glad things are going well so far. I enjoy your blog.

Good luck!